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Bill to Cut Federal Grants to Planned Parenthood awaits Decision
A bill in Congress would strip the organization of federal family-planning grants. Through its affiliates, Planned Parenthood operates more than 800 clinics and health centers across the country, serving more than 3 million patients a year.
The Video Controversy
In a recent controversy stirred up by anti-abortion protesters, videos of pimps and underage prostitutes receiving free medical services hit the internet. Planned Parenthood states they acted professional and reported the incident(s) to their superiors the FBI was also notified. This is just new ammunition for anti-abortion activists promoting a bill introduced by Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., that would deny federal family-planning funds to any organization that performs abortions. Pence has made it makes clear that Planned Parenthood is his target; it would lose more than $70 million in annual funding.
Law that Governs the Funds
By law, federal funds may not be used directly for abortions. Nevertheless, Pence argues that the grants, by covering overhead and operational costs, free up other money to provide abortions.
Makes one wonder what ever happened to a woman’s right to chose. If the bill passes, Planned Parenthood may have to stat charging their patients, which are mostly low-income women and teenage girls in need of contraceptives. Sadly, the anti-abortion activists are not seeing the big picture.
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Family planning MUST be made
Family planning MUST be made part of our health and world security agenda.
The planet's sustainability is at stake now due to so many unplanned births. Due to U.S. support for family planning, more than 26 million women in the poorest countries in the world are able to delay or prevent pregnancy.
The UN estimates that 201 million women have no access to family planning or contraception, resulting in 52 million unwanted pregnancies, 22 million abortions and 1.4 million infant deaths annually. That is more than double the number of deaths per year during World War II! Let this be in the conscience of congressmen who deny these preventive measures.
Bangladesh calculated that each $62 of government spending on family planning would save $615 in other social services. Free family planning education and services included requirements such as passing family-planning exams before obtaining a marriage license. Radio, TV bulletins, and soap operas offered education on these issues and on prevention of contagious diseases. The message, increased school enrollment from 60% to 90%. preventing the holocaust caused by lack of knowledge in family planning. The 11 million deaths that take place yearly due to hunger worldwide would be prevented if we did not have such overwhelming overpopulation problem that is exhausting all natural resources At this rate, OUR PLANET WILL BECOME UNINHABITABLE WITHIN 100-200 YEARS BECAUSE 2 BILLION MORE PEOPLE WILL BE BORN in 20 YEARS IF WE DO NOT ADDRESS THIS.
Prof Fenner and the National Academy of Sciences:
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i disagree in abortion. no
i disagree in abortion. no matter what it cause to us, still it is so inhumane to kill an innocent child. According to the New York Times, South Dakota House Bill 1171 has been laid to rest. The bill was roundly criticized for language that could conceivably change the definition of justifiable homicide under state law to contain those who aid in the abortion of a fetus, for instance abortion doctors. I found this here: South Dakota drops justifiable homicide-driven abortion bill The public relations nightmare the proposed legislation was clearly bound to create brought on state legislators to give it another look and table the motion for a vote.