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New Study - Birth Control Yaz/Yasmin Does Not Increase the Risk of Gall Bladder Disease Anymore Than Other Oral Contraceptives
Drospirenone also sold as Yaz and Yasmin have been “accused” of having a greater risk of causing gall bladder disease compared to other oral contraceptives. However, recent research as proven that drospirenone does not have an increased risk of causing gall bladder disease. However, Yaz does have a long list of side effects and some very dangerous if you can tolerate the side effects (not every woman will experience side effects) then you do not need to worry about the accusations of Yaz/Yasmin increasing the risk of gall bladder disease.
The Study
The study was performed by Mahyar Etminan and a team of researchers from McGill University and the University of Florida. Etminan and his team of researchers analyzed the data from health records of over two million women over the age of eighteen living in the United States. Each woman took Yaz/Yasmin for a period of at least eighteen months. The researchers compared the health records of the women who used Yaz/Yasmin to the health records of women who used levonorgestrel, which is the oldest and most commonly used oral contraceptive.
The Results
The study showed that only a very small percentage of women developed gallbladder disease while using Yaz/Yasmin. The study also discovered that other types of birth control pills also had a small percentage of women who developed gall bladder disease therefore; there was not enough evidence to link Yaz/Yasmin to an increased risk of gall bladder disease.
A statement from researcher Mahyar Etminan about the study "This study should give women some reassurance that the drug is as safe as other contraceptives at least with regard to gall bladder disease, and women should weigh this against the increased risk of pregnancy that occurs when switching to another contraceptive drug," says Etminan.
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Wow, this article is very
Wow, this article is very misleading. All oral contraceptives have a risk of carrying gallbladder disease. The purpose of the study was to determine if Yasmin/Yaz had a significantly greater risk than other types of oral contraceptives. The conclusion of the study was that Yasmin/Yaz are associated with a small significantly increased risk of gallbladder disease compared to other types of oral contraceptives but the author questioned the clinical significance of the findings. The conclusion certainly was not that Yasmin/Yaz do not casuse gallbladder disease.
Dear Concerned, Thank you for
Dear Concerned,
Thank you for pointing out the misleading information in that article. I have revised the article so the information is now correct.