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Do you want me or my shoes?
The boyfriend candidate has been busy, and I keep forgetting to call him so I’ve developed a bit of a wandering eye. I think too I’m putting out an “I’m available” vibe but it’s not hitting the right targets.
The guy at Jiffy Lube asked me out on a date. It was weird. He apologized in advance for doing something inappropriate, then did it any way by asking me out in front of my kids. He was a nice enough guy, but he had women’s names tattooed on his neck and I’m sure his fingernails are permanently black as a hazard of the job. I’m a clean freak. Still, I was slightly thrilled that the guy was interested. I’m 47 and I had my three little body guards with me and Mr. Jiffy was not deterred. Maybe he asks every woman out, what do I know? I told him I couldn’t talk in front of the kids. He put his phone number on my receipt. I’m not going to call him. My dilemma is whether or not I need to find another Jiffy Lube. That place is so convenient, and I picked up their optional warranty. It’s a quandary.
So I tell my friend and coworker Robin about it. First it’s the guy in the parking lot at the boys’ daycare. Super cute, but now that I reflect, probably some kind of construction worker/general contractor guy by the look of his Friday afternoon attire. He did say something about leaving the job site. I’m more of a desk-job-guy-kind-of-girl. I like ties, what can I say? Robin says to me, “Look your problem is you are hanging out in parking lots and car garages. Who do you think you’re gonna meet?”
But the thing is, I spend 45-50 hours a week in my office. It’s a high power place. Every one is hyper educated, super smart and well compensated. That’s where I hang out. And I’m not meeting anyone there either.
I did have a catering guy give me the once over in the elevator. He really liked my high heels. And thought my coat had a lovely silhouette. Now that I think about it, he may have been more interested in wearing my clothes than asking me out.
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