my bf and i have sex on the fifth day of my period and again on the 7th day we didnt use any barrier, is it posible that i get pregnant still even if he withdraw it?

The chances of you getting

The chances of you getting pregnant on day 5 or 7 of your cycle when he didnt ejaculate inside of you are slim but anytime you dont use a method of birth control or contraception you run the risk of pregnancy.
Men release a small amount of semen prior to ejaculating often called "pre cum" and a woman can get pregnant from this.
The lesser risk is that you most likely were not ovulating on day 5 or 7 with day 1 being the first day of your period. Women usually ovulate between day 14-18 if they have regular menstrual cycles.
If you do not get your period with your next cycle, I suggest you get a pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy and consider using condoms or another method of contraception if you do not desire pregnancy. The withdrawl method is not reliable as most men cannot control when they ejaculate 100% of the time.
I hope this helps

Kelly J. Connell, M.S.Ed., Ph.D(c)
Sexuality Educator and Consultant

Yes, you can get pregnant

Yes, you can get pregnant while on your period. If you want to learn more about sex on period, I recommend you to visit this website - There are amazing tips! It helped me, a lot.


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