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Recent Study Discovers Men Need more support Before and After Their Child is Born
New research discovered that men need more support before and after their baby is born. They feel the need to protect their unborn baby’s mother, support her and deal with her concerns all the while the dad to be is just as terrified of the unknown as the mom to be is. This often goes unnoticed as the mom to be and the unborn baby is the primary focus. It can also cause relationship problems and make a man feel incompetent and even invisible.
The Invisible Dad To Be
Over the last few decades expecting couples have come to use the terms “We are expecting” or “We are pregnant” this allows the father to be a part of the process and not just the sperm donor. Of course, mom will still get all the attention but compared to fifty years ago at least dad gets some initial recognition.
The Study Findings
The fathers involvement in the delivery room is complicated by their partner's pain, fear of the unknown and ideas about masculinity. Once the birth is over the new dad moves onto bonding with his baby. “The study found that during the first year of fatherhood, men worked hard to build their relationship with the baby. It was also important to them to master their new role of being a father, preserving their own sense of self, and being able to take care of the baby on their own.”
The study also found that there is a need for support for these men before and after their baby is born. It will not only help him but benefit the entire family.
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