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New Study Sheds Light on Global Condom Issues
A study published in a special edition of Sexual Health discusses for the first time global problems associated with improper condoms use. The research indicates the countries all around the world report having problems with correct condom use among males.
Examination of an unprecedented number of studies on condoms includes research on such issues as problems and errors with condom use, factors that influence use of condoms, increasing effectiveness of condoms and promotion of the female condom. 20 researchers from around the world who were led by the Kinsey Condom Use Research Team (CURT) discuss issues including American Adult safe sex behavior, counterfeit condoms in China and female condom use in South Africa.
CURT points out a significant aspect of this research is bridging the gap between the way condoms should be used and the way they are actually used. This is important when reducing unplanned pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted infections and HIV. Understanding this gap is important when examining why condoms fail, promoting better condom education and accessibility to condoms. Counseling, education and instruction for proper condom use are absolute necessities if condom use is to be successful. Discussion of topics that are often seen as embarrassing or private such as erection, semen, and other aspects of sexuality are often a hindrance to thorough condom education and instruction.
Cultural issues are also important when discussing condom use as many cultures frown upon them. This can make acquiring good condom negotiation skills challenging.
William Yarber, a professor at Indiana University and CURT member stated that, “The articles in the special issue illustrate both commonalities and differences relative to the use and promotion of male condoms around the world. It provides a resource for sexual health professionals to use for strategizing ways to increase cultural and individual acceptance of condom use."
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