aims to build awareness and provide support for Sex Issues, Relationship Issues, as well as Depression and Anxiety. We also have a Support Groups just for Parents. If you are a friend or parent of a person that has is going through some challenging times, or you are in need of support, you are not alone. Share personal experiences, evaluate information and get support during times of need, illness, treatment or recovery.
Support Groups
Since all steroids pass through the breast milk into the infant, the World Health Organization and the International Planned Parenthood Federation do not recommend hormonal contraceptives as a good choice for breast feeding women. Newborns have an immature liver and kidneys, so they are unable to clear the drug out their systems efficiently. Furthermore, their bodies require natural hormones for growth and development of the brain, sex organs, and other systems. Artificial hormones may compete with these natural hormones in the body.
There are other health reasons for new moms to avoid certain hormonal methods, esp. estrogen containing drugs such as combination oral contraceptives (not Depo Provera, however). The risk of drug-related postpartum stroke, heart attack, and blood clots are highest right after delivery. Women should avoid using any method containing estrogen for at least three weeks after birth.
Read more at this site at
Best of luck,
Dr. Williams
Monnica Williams, Ph.D.
Sex Education Advisor.
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