SupportGroups.com aims to build awareness and provide support for Sex Issues, Relationship Issues, as well as Depression and Anxiety. We also have a Support Groups just for Parents. If you are a friend or parent of a person that has is going through some challenging times, or you are in need of support, you are not alone. Share personal experiences, evaluate information and get support during times of need, illness, treatment or recovery.
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On average a woman's cycle is 28 days with ovulation happening on day 14, and the fertile window 3 days before and 1 day after ovulation. So if your cycles were completely average, your ovulation date would be on Aug 22 (8+14), with fertility extended until Aug 23.
However, this is just an estimate and all womens cycles are different. You cannot make this determination just from the dates alone. That is why the rhythm method is not very effective. Unless you are practicing a modern method of natural family planning, you should assume that you are fertile every day.
Best regards,
Dr. Williams
Monnica Williams, Ph.D.
Sex Education Advisor. www.MonnicaWilliams.com.
STD Facts and Photos: www.STDsInColor.com.
Free Pregnancy Testing Centers: 800-395-HELP.