SupportGroups.com aims to build awareness and provide support for Sex Issues, Relationship Issues, as well as Depression and Anxiety. We also have a Support Groups just for Parents. If you are a friend or parent of a person that has is going through some challenging times, or you are in need of support, you are not alone. Share personal experiences, evaluate information and get support during times of need, illness, treatment or recovery.
Support Groups
Hi there. I have issues with my boyfriend as well and am afraid to confront him. Have you tried talking to him yet? If so, how did you do it?
3 TIMES????? I'd forgive him d first time after confrontin him but not sure about the 3rd time u really do love him then. No one deserves 2 b cheated on that many times. If u actually got proof that he's still doin it then u gonna ave 2 tlk 2 him, tel him how u feel, dnt argue just let him knw u deserve better. U need 2 strt thinkin about urslf coz if u dnt tlk 2 him e mite think it's ok 2 do wt e's doin. I bet if it woz u he'd b lookin 2 break up wiv u n callin u all sorts of names..
You don't need our permission to kick him to the curb. Not only is he a terrible boyfriend, but he puts you at risk of sexually transmitted diseases, like HIV and HPV. Consider that you are having sex with every person he has sex with and their partners too.
Call him or send him an email. Tell him you no longer want to see him. Do not take his calls or read his emails after that, move on.
Best of luck,
Dr. Williams
Monnica Williams, Ph.D.
Sex Education Advisor. www.MonnicaWilliams.com.
STD Facts and Photos: www.STDsInColor.com.
Free Pregnancy Testing Centers: 800-395-HELP.