SupportGroups.com aims to build awareness and provide support for Sex Issues, Relationship Issues, as well as Depression and Anxiety. We also have a Support Groups just for Parents. If you are a friend or parent of a person that has is going through some challenging times, or you are in need of support, you are not alone. Share personal experiences, evaluate information and get support during times of need, illness, treatment or recovery.
Support Groups
Many oral contraceptives (OCs) have a week of "sugar" pills that contain no hormones. These cause the body to have "withdrawal bleeding" or menstruation. In some cases you can skip these pills to avoid having a periods. However, you should not skip these pills without first speaking to your doctor or pharmacist for details, as this practice can compromise the effectiveness of the pill.
If you don't want a period, you might also ask your doctor about a type of combined OC pill called extended cycle pills, where women get their periods only four times a year. It works by reducing the number of pill-free intervals which trigger menstruation.
More info: http://www.contracept.org/extended-pills.php
Dr. Williams
Monnica Williams, Ph.D.
Sex Education Advisor. www.MonnicaWilliams.com.
STD Facts and Photos: www.STDsInColor.com.
Free Pregnancy Testing Centers: 800-395-HELP.