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This question is a little tough to answer, not knowing what type of IUD you had, what type of pill you are taking, and when you had your last period.
For most women who were using the IUD, once the device is removed your normal cycles should quickly return. If you are just starting the pill after using the IUD, then your period should start when you take the sugar pills or have your pill-free week (depending in the type of pill).
If you are taking an estrogen-free pill (also called a mini-pill), then you may not get a period at all.
If your periods were irregular before, this could be a factor as well.
If you were expecting a period, but did not get one, you should have a pregnancy test right away. If you become pregnant on the pill, you should stop taking it.
Best of luck,
Dr. Williams
Monnica Williams, Ph.D.
Sex Education Advisor. www.MonnicaWilliams.com.
STD Facts and Photos: www.STDsInColor.com.
Free Pregnancy Testing Centers: 800-395-HELP.