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GOP Tries to TAX Abortions
The Republican Party seems to have found yet another loophole in allowing a woman to exercise her pro-choice rights. “The House Ways and Means Committee scheduled a vote Thursday on legislation that would prevent women from deducting the cost of an abortion from their taxable income.”
The Abortion Tax
In the event a woman decides to use cash, credit card, or a money order to pay for an abortion it is still taxable ladies. Therefore, when you file your taxes under medical expenses you had better be sure to put that abortion down! Attention small business owners who offer health insurance and women who pay for their own health care insurance don’t be looking for tax credits or any type of deduction because you are not going to find them either.
The Good News
You may be able to have a non-taxable abortion if you became pregnant because of rape, incest or you doctor says the pregnancy will kill you! A quote from Rep. Shelley Berkley, D-Nev "We're debating an issue that is so inconsequential to the lives of most Americans She said she was "annoyed" that the committee was spending time on an issue "that's obviously very ideological and has nothing to do with the health care bill, and nothing really to do with taxes or getting people back to work."
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