Researchers and scientists have recently linked a connection to oral sex and cancer. In this article, we are going to take a closer look at the types of cancer that have been linked to oral sex.
In one study, HPV (human papillomaviruses) was found to be linked to young white men who have had oral sex with six or more partners. HPV is also known as genital human papillomavirus. There are over forty known strains of HPV. The good news is there are two vaccines for females and one vaccine for males to help prevent HPV.
Oral Sex and Cancer - Throat Cancer
Throat cancer has been linked to oral sex and HPV. People who have HPV are thirty-two times more likely to develop throat cancer than those who do not have the virus. Roughly, eleven thousand people are diagnosed each year in the United States with throat cancer caused by HPV.
Oral Sex and Cancer - Mouth Cancer
Mouth cancer is not as common as throat cancer but is still a type of cancer a person can get from giving oral sex. Again, HPV is the culprit for this type of cancer.
Oral Sex and Cancer - Tonsil Cancer
Most people do not even realize that almost every part of the human body can become cancerous. The tonsils are no exception and in the past few decades, there has been an increase in tonsil cancer thanks to HPV.
Oral Sex and Cancer - Prevention
Prevention is always the best “treatment for cancer” with HPV vaccines is available if you are concerned about the increase risk of developing cancer and you are within the age range for the vaccine you should consider getting it. Before you engage in oral sex with a new partner, you should make sure you are both tested for HPV. Oral sex and cancer has become almost become as frightening for sexually active people as lung cancer has for smokers. Don’t put yourself at risk when there are ways to prevent getting